Wale Adenuga Productions is set to release a new TV drama series, titled ‘ The Babington Family.’ The story centres around the titular family and Nnenna (of the Nnenna & Friends fame). In her quest to correct social ills and promote family value, she finds herself serving as a governess in the Babington’s home, and it becomes a roller coaster ride both inside and outside the home. It’s a family program with a youth bias due to the prominence of talented young acts in the series. It also features brilliant performances by your favourite superstars; Olayinka Ademo (Nnenna), Vivian Anani, Nobert Young, Kunle Coker, Amaechi Muonagor, Omo Ibadan, Kalu Ikeagwu, Joke Muyiwa and other notable artistes. The Babington Family Drama will air on NTA Network, wapTV (available on DSTV Ch. 262, StarTimes Ch. 116, GoTV Ch. 102, StarSat Ch. 189, PlayTV Ch. 275, TsTV Ch. 223) and other syndicated stations nationwide from October, 2019.See photos below
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