BonJOUR, la famille je travaille sur m'a BD wazal voilà le début de l'histoire THE LEGEND OF WAZAL AND WAZALIONNE Once upon the time, in the kingdom of wazalville, there lived a king named Wazal; son of the great king Wazalion along with his village elders Wazalcians. In the northwest of Cameroon there was a village called ‘wazalvilles” where king wazal was born; He fought like a lion, his courage and strength were equaled only by his intelligence. One day, the wazalcians and the wazalgeois of the village got together to rename the village: they decided to name it “wazal” in honor to the king and his personality, because the strength of the king was the same as the strength of the village. As the prophecy foretold, the courageous warrior who bears this name would be assigned to the heavy and honorable task of protecting the land of his ancestors and the secret of his <<treasure>> WAZALIANE: a very precious magic fabric, meaning “richer”...