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Showing posts from April, 2014

WOW! P-square's Peter Okoye acquires N35 Million 2014 Bentley GT! [Photos]

Ukraine crisis: Russia alarmed over US-Nato military moves

Moscow has voiced concern over an “unprecedented” increase in US and Nato military activity near Russian borders, amid an escalating crisis in Ukraine. In a phone call, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu also urged his US counterpart Chuck Hagel to “turn down the rhetoric” over Ukraine. The US said it had deployed extra troops in eastern Europe to reassure its Nato allies. It has imposed new sanctions on Russia over its “intervention in Ukraine”. The sanctions target seven Russian individuals and 17 companies which Washington says are linked to President Vladimir Putin’s “inner circle”. In other developments on Monday: Hennadiy Kernes, the mayor of Ukraine’s eastern city of Kharkiv, was shot and critically wounded Pro-Russian separatists seized a local government building in Kostyantynivka, a town in the eastern Donetsk region In Donetsk itself, pro-Russian activists armed with clubs and chains attacked a pro-unity rally; a number of people were injured. In a statement, Mr Shoigu s

Pastor’s daughter who converted to Islam set to wed the lawyer who handled her case

Charity Uzoechina, the daughter of Pastor Raymond Uzoechina of the Redeemed Christian Church of God who converted to the Islamic faith in Feb. 2013 will soon tie the knot, Premium times reports.   Her marriage announcement was made known by the Executive Director of Muslim Rights Concern, MURIC, Ishaq Akintola, whose organization has kept tab on the convert for months.   According to reports, Charity who has since changed her name to Aishat is getting married to the Islamic lawyer, Barrister Tijani, who handled her case during her conversion.   Her conversion was so contentious that she sort a sharia court injunction to be accommodated in the palace of the Etsu Nupe of Bida, Niger state, for fear that her parents and her Christian fellows would attack her. Her parents at the time accused the Etsu Nupe of abducting her and forcing her to denounce her Christian faith. Aishat however stated categorically that it was a voluntary decision and was in no way forced by anyone "I joined Is

The PSquare Brothers Party Together After Reconciliation

The three brothers, Peter, Paul and Jude were photographed separately but at the same event with Sarah Ofili last night. This will be their first public appearance since the reports of their fall out and reconciliation. The brothers attended the Ibiza House Party, Piccolo Mondo which was hosted by Sarah Ofili.

Teacher stabbed to death at Leeds school by 15 year old student

Ann Maguire, 61, is the first teacher to be killed in the classroom of a British school. She was stabbed in the neck in front of p upils at the Corpus Christie Catholic College school in Leeds. BBC reports that the Spanish teacher was taken to the hospital following the attack but was later pronounced dead. A 15-year-old boy was later arrested for her murder and is in custody. A pupil at the scene told the BBC that children were seen screaming and running from a classroom following the attack. Continue... From BBC Ch Supt Paul Money of West Yorkshire Police said the victim received a number of stab wounds and a knife was recovered from the scene. He said the 15-year-old pupil was detained by other teaching staff and arrested in connection with the stabbing. "The incident itself was over very quickly and no other pupils or staff were threatened or injured. However this has clearly been a very traumatic situation for those involved," Mr Money said. He said the attack was an &qu

Photos: P-Square’s Younger Sister, Mary Okoye Engaged To Nollywood Actor

It’s indeed the season of love and proposals for the Okoye’s. Peter and Paul are already married, Jude just got engaged and now, their younger sister, Mary Okoye is now engaged to Nollywood actor Emma Emordi. We learnt he popped the question over the weekend.

I Have Suffered Enough, Please Don’t Let Me Suffer More- Omotola Begs Fans

skazyupdate Omotola Ekeinde has said she has suffered enough for refusing to party with politicians and turning down their Ghana must go bags, and begged people not to make her suffer the more by mentioning her name among those who wine and dine with politicians. Speaking as a guest at the just concluded Nigerian Entertainment  Conference (NEC), the actress said; “Somebody on a blog a few days ago wrote that there are Nollywood personalities who are friends with politicians, sharing the national cake together. I, Omotola, have never campaigned or partied with any government, so don’t mention my name among those who do that. I have suffered enough for refusing to party with them and take ‘Ghana Must Go’ back home, so don’t let me suffer more.”

What Uche Jombo & Toke Makinwa Have In Common

Though they might be in different fields, but these two have the same taste when it comes to men. Most of you know Toke’s hubby, Maje Ayida is a fitness trainer, but most of you don’t know Uche’s husband does the same job in the States too.  Cute men!

How to Make Money from Facebook

Here is how to make money from Facebook guaranteed ! Seriously, how would you like to earn $250 or more from Facebook on a weekly basis? Interested? I'm sure you would! In that case, this web page shows you in explicit detail how to make money from Facebook on an ongoing basis. You will also learn lots of strategies, tips and tricks to use in exploiting this home business opportunity that you can take advantage of right from the comfort of your home. Do you have a profile on Facebook? I suppose that you do - because last time I checked, there were over one billion active users of Facebook, the No. 1 social networking site in the world, second only to Google in terms of website traffic. Of that number, over five million persons are resident in Nigeria. And do you know the most interesting part of the matter? The number keeps on growing by the passing second. However, if you do not have a profile on Facebook, head on right over now to create one. I will be right here waiting

We Need More Male Teachers in Schools – Educationist

A United States-based Professor of  Education, Georgianna Duarte, has canvassed the need for more male teachers in schools, especially at the early childhood level. She spoke on Wednesday in Lagos on the sidelines of a Focus on the Young Child Education summit organised by a group, Early Years Consult Limited. FOYC initiative seeks to raise the quality of early childhood education and care in Nigeria and Africa to the global best practice standard. Duarte, who lamented the dearth of male teachers across the globe, described the development as a “disturbing one”. According to the professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, the masculine elements will do some good to the school system. She said, “The dearth of male teachers is a challenge in Nigeria and in many parts of the world. It is a problem internationally. I believe that our classrooms should have masculine elements. “We need to recruit more men in the early childhood educati

Shocking: 10 normal things you may be addicted to

from Real Buzz We all have certain activities we love, but did you know you could be addicted to your favourite hobby? Check out the 10 surprising things you may be addicted to. 1: Surfing the internet You may think that browsing the internet is nothing more than a pleasant way to pass some time. However, researchers in China revealed that internet addiction actually alters the brain in a similar way to addictions to drugs and alcohol. It is thought that sufferers of Internet addiction disorder (IAD) could face similar symptoms to those suffering from other addictions, including withdrawal symptoms. One study of users of internet-ready smartphones found that many are so addicted to their device they now hear “phantom vibrations” in their desperation to receive a message. 2: Falling in love We all know that person who goes from relationship to relationship, never seeming to spend more than five minutes alone. Well, according to research, it may be that they are actually

8 (important) things to know when dating a player

in Share by Julia Melko Dating a player is a huge challenge and it’s not every woman’s dream. But sometimes a woman falls in love so quickly and strongly that she doesn’t want to realize that she is dating a player. If you realize that you are dating with a player, but don’t want to break up with him, here are a few important things to know when dating a player. Dating a player can be quite dangerous and can even lead to a heartbreak. Remember it. 1. Insincere conversations Normal relationship usually consists of sincere and trusting talks and frank treatment. It’s wonderful when you can share common goals, plans, dreams and when we are curious about the past. The player isn’t the one who is really interested in all these points. Your talks usually contain superficial information. 2. Cancellations all the time Do you often get calls or messages that your date is going to be cancelled again? Moreove

World Book Day: Importance Of Promoting, Protecting Literary Works

Yesterday, April 23, was World Book and Copyright Day. The theme for this year’s was “History and Stories”, to celebrate the contribution of books and authors to our global culture and the connection between copyright and books. Nigeria leads in the global league of States with the largest number of children of school age that are out of school and also has an estimated level of illiteracy at 70 per cent of its adult population. The essence of the day should hopefully intrigue Nigerian leaders enough, to rouse them to begin to fund, motivate and prioritise creative and research enterprises. This would enable us appreciate in greater depth books as the most potent vectors of values and knowledge, and depositories of the intangible heritage that propels development. As windows onto the diversity of cultures, books serve as sources of material wealth and this is why effective copyright laws must be enacted to protect works of creative artists. More importantly, our governmen

12 dangerous reasons to get married

by Dr. Shauna H. Springer When one looks to one’s partner to be any type of drug instead of a living, breathing human being with an agenda of his or her own, the result is often a short-lived bond . In terms of motivations for marriage , thus far I’ve been focusing mostly on delusional thinking processes caused by fantasies we create during the cocaine-rush phase of relationships. For example, within the context of a short courtship, two delusional reasons for getting married are “because it feels like I’ve known you forever, even though we just met” and “because our love story would make a great movie.” There are a number of other equally bad reasons to take the plunge. These generally fall into three categories—anxiety, inadequacy, and self-centered pragmatics. If you are contemplating marriage or are “on the hunt” for a spouse, I’d advise you to get honest with yourself and plumb the depths of your motivations. Do your motivations stem from any of the following thoug

6 (and a half) things you should STOP expecting from others

by Amy Shearn We’ve heard it again and again: Don’t expect that you can revise (or worse, correct) someone. Loving people means loving them the way they are. 1. Stop Expecting People: To Be Your Partner in Crime A group of friends and I had been out late one night when I saw it there, glowing like a beacon: the 24-hour frozen-yogurt stand. “You  have  to get something with me,” I urged a friend’s girlfriend, who I didn’t know well. At my insistence, she came with, and after I ordered a Snickers-covered chocolate something, she reluctantly ordered a small lemonade. It took me a good while to realize that she had a lot of reasons for not wanting to be my partner in crime: She was out of money, she had to be up early and was hoping to head home. I’d thought it would be a fun, dorm-room-y bonding moment, but in the end, I was forcing the connection, as if only her enjoyment would justify my own. Ditto for staying up all night, ditto for spending a lot of money on fancy soap

11 tips for making your work life easier

After long and thorough studies scientists have made a conclusion that people’s mental work is more productive when they take small breaks. And we shouldn’t also forget about changing the activities from time to time. That’s why don’t be afraid to have a short walk to make copies or to make a cup of tea or coffee in the office kitchen. We all must confess that our work usually takes the biggest part of a day and requires much of our energy and attention. Since we can’t avoid it we must do everything in our powers to make our life easier and our work less stressful but more productive. Here are 11 tips that will help you to make your life at work much easier if you use them as your basic rule every day. 1. Wholesome breakfast It is really important to start your day with something tasty and healthy. Sure, it might take a bit more time than you are used to to prepare it. But on the other hand you will feel yourself more comfortable and full of energy if you start your wor

4 ways to solve communication problems with your partner

by Meghna Mukherjee If nagging and yelling has not come to your rescue yet, try some other way of addressing this problem. Sometimes you just need to find out another way to get your partner hear you out.   Communication problems are something that happens in every relationship. But that does not mean that you give up on your relationship. Here are some ways you can resolve the issue. Realise your relationship has a problem  The most important and probably one of the first things to solving this problem is that you acknowledge the fact that you are having problems in your relationship. Once you admit that there is something that is going wrong between the two of you, talking it out will become simpler. Talk about it  Normally when you don’t talk at all about your problems, what is bothering you or anything at all with your partner, it tends to bring out a communication problem in your relationship. Often couples don’t seem to recognise this problem and they go about igno

5 benefits of breaking up with a girl

by Nick Roy All the empowered women across the country have one battle cry, ‘we don’t need a man.’ We say, let’s flip it around this time.  Whether it’s your long-term girlfriend or a woman you’ve just started dating, if you feel like calling it quits with your girl, then you ought to do it. Of course there are benefits of doing so as well. All the empowered women across the country have one battle cry, ‘we don’t need a man.’ We say, let’s flip it around this time. There are plenty of reasons for men to leave their girlfriends as well as these top five reasons will show you. 1. Eat where and what you want Sample this. You ask your girlfriend where does she want to eat, and she replies saying she is cool with anywhere. When you go on to suggest places, she refuses each one of them citing the most lame reasons ever. Familiar much? Imagine when you break up, you can eat any god damn thing at any shady place on the face of this earth. Yes, praise the lord! 2. Save an awful l

35 signs he’s NOT boyfriend material

by Ashley McDonald You’re constantly apologizing for his tool behavior. So you’ve been having a little fun with a guy who’s  totally  a potential relationship prospect. No doubt about it. …Right? Well, if you’re being perfectly honest with yourself, maybe you  do  question your go-to hook-up’s boyfriend abilities. Here are 35 signs he’ll only make for a great friend with benefits. 1. You’ve never seen him outside of his bedroom. 2. He doesn’t hang out with you before 10 p.m. 3. Dates? What dates? 4. You’ve watched at least 25 movies with him. 5. And by “watched,” we mean you glanced up at the screen every once in a while. 6. He only compliments your bod. 7. After hanging out with him, your eyes hurt from the brightness of daylight. 8. The walk of shame is practically your go-to strut. 9. He has posters of women in bikinis all over his room. 10. There are a bunch of initials carved into his bedframe (um…). 11. You’ve never met his friends. 12. You don’t know what his maj

Photos: Comedian Dan D' Humurous weds radio presenter girlfriend

Comedian Daniel Chibuzor Nnwoka popularly known as Dan D’ Humorous married his Radio/TV Journalist girlfriend, Milliscent Adanma Maduagwu yesterday Saturday April 26th in Surulere, Lagos. Milliscent is a presenter with NigeriaInfo in Port Harcourt. Congrats to the couple. See more photos after the cut...

Iyanya shows football skills at Lagos Traders Cup opening ceremony

The 2014 Lagos Traders Cup kicked off over the weekend with a glamorous opening ceremony and 8 matches at Campos Square in Lagos. The competition, powered by leading telecoms provider  MTN features competing teams made up of traders drawn from the major markets across Lagos who turned out in large numbers with colorful fans and supporters in tow.   MTN ambassador and superstar musician thrilled fans with an appearance at the opening ceremony, surprising onlookers with a few football tricks of his own which draw loud applause. Continue... The opening ceremony was attended by dignitaries including Tsola Barrow Acting CEO, MTN, Fehintola Mustapha,  MTN GM , Deji Tinubu, NFF member ,Sola Aiyepeku, CEO SNT Selsports and Seyi Akinwunmi, Chairman, Lagos State FA In some of the games played on a day of heavy downpour, Ilasamaja 4 defeated Dosunmu 1-0 while Oluwole played 1-1 with St Peters. Idi Araba defeated EDAN FC 2-0 amongst other results. The winners of the Traders Cup , powe

Kaffy Shares Adorable Photos Of Her Kids

So beautiful.

I Never Said My Parents Are Siblings…Harrysong Denies Magazine Story

Singer and song writer, Harrysong has said, he never granted YES Magazine and interview where he said his parents are siblings. Below is a press statement from his publicist. Harrysong a.k.a Mr. Songz has reacted to the story making rounds on the blog about his parents, the news item culled from a supposed interview he had with a magazine and published on the 22nd of April, 2014. The sought after songwriter and singer finds it appalling that an interview of such would be fabricated and published. 'I have not granted any magazine an interview in the last 12 months where I spoke about my late parent so I find it worrisome, disheartening that a magazine would manufacture a story like such. It is disturbing,' Harrysong vents. Continue after the cut. Harrysong reiterates that he did not speak to YES! Magazine, neither as he spoke about his parents in the press in recent time. This would be the last and only statement Harrysong would be releasing and advises that every blog retract t

Rapper Godwon Admits He Stole! Says I Don’t Do Music Alone

Oh dear, we have got some gangster here baby. New kid on the block, rapper Godwon who exposed Sinzu in an alleged ATM theft in the United States, have told his fans that if they thought the only thing he does was music, then they are wrong. He admitted he stole candy back then ( at least that’s the one we saw on an American website) and also dropped a quick one by hitting back at Sinzu’s fans, that they are stupid as F*ck and it's quite simple! More tweets after the cut;